1 in 2 Australians will be affected by cancer in their lives
Cancer Council is the only charity that works across every area of every cancer, from research to prevention and support. Every minute, every hour, every day, we’re here for all people, affected by all cancers.

Life-saving cancer research
Research can reduce the impact of cancer in many ways, from early detection to revolutionary treatment options. Thanks to you, we fund more cancer research than any other non-government organisation in Australia. We direct almost $60 million dollars into research projects each year - in universities, hospitals, research institutions and here at Cancer Council.
Support for people impacted by cancer
Once somebody hears the words 'you have cancer', their life will never be the same again, and the impact flows onto friends, family and colleagues. That's why the nurses at Cancer Council 13 11 20 information and support line answer the call of anyone affected by cancer. Each year, they respond to more than 40,000 Australians seeking emotional or practical advice, and can refer callers onto a range of services that both Cancer Council and other organisations provide.

Prevent cancer before it starts
We know a third of cancers are preventable, so we help all Australians reduce their risk. One way we do this is through education programs like SunSmart, Quit and LiveLighter that empower people to lead healthier lifestyles to help reduce their cancer risk. Your support also encourages Australians to stay up to date with their cancer screening, so they can catch cancer early.
Visit your local Cancer Council website for more information on services offered in your area. Support services vary across states and territories.
Call 13 11 20 for service information in your state or territory.