By Tiberius Nistor Join Me

Together we are creating a cancer free future.

I’m fundraising for Daffodil Day, to honor my incredible grandmother

This August will mark one year since my Buni (grandmother in Romanian) passed into heaven. The woman who raised me and taught me to always be kind and never give up on my dreams played a significant role in my upbringing. She lifted me out of an all-time low, and for that, I am forever indebted to her for who I am and where I am today.

After winning her battle with breast cancer in 2017 and inspiring our entire family to have faith, she remained a beacon of strength and kindness in every situation. Unfortunately, this disease is cruel and it also never gives up. This past year has been filled with many firsts: the first birthday, the first Christmas without hearing her gentle, encouraging voice and seeing her warm, beautiful smile.

I owe her so much, and this is the least I can do to honor her.

With your help, we're getting closer to a cancer free future

cancer research

Thanks to generous Australians like you, around $60 million is invested every year into world-class cancer research.

Support those
affected by cancer

Your donations fund access to Cancer Council's support services, so that no one need face cancer alone.

Prevent cancer
before it starts

Your support is invested in cancer screening and education programs that empower people to help reduce their cancer risk.

Thank you to my Supporters

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    Andrea and Ian
    Amazing cause guys ❤️ Fantastic achievement!
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    Morgan Harland
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    Andreea Grintescu
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