Power to the Woman

By Melissa Halstead

Together we are creating a cancer free future.

I’m fundraising for Daffodil Day, to support advancements in life-saving cancer research.  

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” -Maya Angelou

This year, we received the news that my mother is facing Stage 1 Breast Cancer. Cancer isn't a stranger to us; my mother is one of four sisters, all of whom have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

 Moreover, various members of my extended family, including cousins and grandparents, have encountered cancer in different forms. While some have sadly lost their battle, they all fought bravely.

 It's crucial that everyone has the opportunity for such a fight, which is why I'm dedicating efforts towards fundraising for the Daffodil Day Appeal this year.

With your help, we're getting closer to a cancer free future

cancer research

Thanks to generous Australians like you, around $60 million is invested every year into world-class cancer research.

Support those
affected by cancer

Your donations fund access to Cancer Council's support services, so that no one need face cancer alone.

Prevent cancer
before it starts

Your support is invested in cancer screening and education programs that empower people to help reduce their cancer risk.

Thank you to my Supporters

  • J
    John Goldsworthy
  • D
    Darcy Sandall
  • P
    Patrick Wadsworth
  • D
    Deniz A
  • K
    Konstantin Efimov